Since its founding in 2005, Collabora has successfully delivered services to over 400 clients and partners worldwide with illustrious customers such as Google, Intel, Bosch, Xilinx, Comcast, Jaguar Land Rover, and the Raspbery Pi Foundation. Take a look at some of our case studies to see how we have helped clients with the latest Open Source technologies.
Enabling automatic bisection and expanding functional testing for Google's Chromebooks.
WhisperLive and its Open Source text-to-speech models meet VoxAI.
Assisting AgBRAIN in their move to a fully upstream baseline.
Partnering with Bosch on their Nyon eBike.
Providing multi-faceted services to enable Bosch Power Tools with Apertis.
Teaming with Netflix, YouTube and Amazon Prime Video on the DAB protocol.
Bringing the latest Open Source technologies to Comcast's Reference Design Kit.
Teaming up with GE Healthcare and its CARESCAPE patient monitors for Open Source success.
Creating a community around Haivision's SRT low latency video streaming protocol.
Evaluating and enabling hardware platforms for product suitability for Endless.
Successfully creating a complete, open source software solution for Jaguar Land Rover.
Helping the Raspberry Pi Foundation transform desktop performance.
Helping ONELAN further its adoption and optimization of Open Source web technologies.