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Collabora contributions to Linux Kernel 4.3

November 12, 2015 by Gustavo Padovan  |   Blog

Collabora developers contributed a total of 48 patches to kernel 4.3 as part of our current projects.

Collabora contributions to Linux Kernel 4.3

Event: systemd.conf 2015

October 28, 2015 by Mark Filion  |   News and Events

Berlin, Germany - from 05/11/2015 to 07/11/2015: The systemd.conf is the first conference devoted to the systemd project. It aims to bring developers, distribution packagers and devops professionals together to present, discuss, and work on that topics that will shape the future of the systemd project.

Event: systemd.conf 2015

Event: Web Engines Hackfest 2015

October 28, 2015 by Mark Filion  |   News and Events

A Coruña, Spain - from 07/12/2015 to 09/12/2015: The Web Engines Hackfest is a hacking oriented invitation-only event involving members from all parts of the Web Platform community, including those who work on Blink, WebKit, Gecko, and Servo.

Event: Web Engines Hackfest 2015

Event: GENIVI AMM Seoul 2015

October 13, 2015 by Guy Lunardi  |   News and Events

Seoul, South Korea - From 20/10/2015 to 23/10/2015: We will be exhibiting at the GENIVI Showcase during the All Member Meeting.

Event: GENIVI AMM Seoul 2015

GLib now has a datagram interface

October 13, 2015 by Philip Withnall  |   Blog

For those who like their I/O packetised, GLib now has a companion for its GIOStream class — the GDatagramBasedinterface, which we’ve implemented as part of R&D work at Collabora.

GLib now has a datagram interface

Event: GStreamer Conference 2015

September 28, 2015 by Guy Lunardi  |   News and Events

Dublin, Ireland - from 08/10/2015 to 09/10/2015: The GStreamer Conference is a conference for anyone interested in the GStreamer multimedia framework or Open Source and cross-platform multimedia.

Event: GStreamer Conference 2015

Celebrating 30 years. Happy 30th anniversary GNU

September 15, 2015 by Guy Lunardi  |   Blog

Standing on the shoulders of giants. As Collabora turns 10 years this month, we are forced to stop and marvel at the accomplishments of GNU in its 30 years of existence. Happy 30th anniversary GNU

Celebrating 30 years. Happy 30th anniversary GNU

Event: IBC 2015

September 05, 2015 by Guy Lunardi  |   News and Events

Amsterdam, The Netherlands - from 10/09/2015 to 15/09/2015: we are thrilled to be joining ARM to demonstrate our latest technology showcases together at their booth at IBC 2015. Booth Hall 4.C61

Event: IBC 2015

Collabora contributions to Linux Kernel 4.2

August 25, 2015 by Gustavo Padovan  |   Blog Collabora contributions

Collabora contributions to Linux Kernel 4.2

Collabora contributions to Linux kernel 4.1

August 24, 2015 by Javier Martinez Canillas  |   Blog Collabora contributions

Collabora contributions to Linux kernel 4.1

Event: LPC 2015

August 14, 2015 by Guy Lunardi  |   News and Events

Seattle, USA - from 19/08/2015 to 21/08/2015: The Linux Plumbers Conference (LPC) is a developer conference for those working on the “plumbing” of Linux.

Event: LPC 2015

Event: DebConf 2015

August 14, 2015 by Guy Lunardi  |   News and Events

Heidelberg, Germany - from 15/08/2015 to 22/08/2015: The 16th annual Debian developers meeting.

Event: DebConf 2015

A look at Vulkan extensions in Venus

October 19, 2022 by Igor Torrente  |   Blog

Venus is a virtual Vulkan driver based on the Virtio-GPU protocol, which defines the serialization of Vulkan commands between guest and host. Here's a closer look at Venus, its components, and their relations in the context of extensions.

A look at Vulkan extensions in Venus

Carlafox, an open-source web-based CARLA visualizer

October 11, 2022 by Vineet Suryan  |   Blog

Taking one step towards democratizing the daunting task of dataset generation by making image synthesis and automatic ground truth data generation maintainable, cheaper, and more repeatable.

Carlafox, an open-source web-based CARLA visualizer

Open source machine learning for video compression

September 14, 2022 by Marcus Edel  |   Blog

Using open source software, Collabora has developed an efficient compression pipeline that enables a face video broadcasting system that achieves the same visual quality as the H.264 standard while only using one-tenth of the bandwidth.

Open source machine learning for video compression

Improving Vulkan graphics state tracking in Mesa

September 07, 2022 by Faith Ekstrand  |   Blog

Introducing new common code for Mesa Vulkan drivers to support a new Vulkan extension, making it easier for app and game authors to manage Vulkan state - and easier for our drivers too.

Improving Vulkan graphics state tracking in Mesa

Using a Raspberry Pi as a Bluetooth speaker with PipeWire

September 02, 2022 by Frederic Danis  |   Blog

Using PipeWire, WirePlumber and a Raspberry Pi, you can create an audio bridge between a Bluetooth® device and an analog speaker system, breathing new life into your old speakers.

Using a Raspberry Pi as a Bluetooth speaker with PipeWire

Introducing the r600/NIR back-end

July 07, 2022 by Gert Wollny  |   Blog

Adventures in NIR-land: the past, the present, and what's lies ahead for the native NIR back-end for Mesa's R600 driver.

Introducing the r600/NIR back-end

Adding secondary command buffers to PanVk

June 15, 2022 by Manas Chaudhary  |   Blog

Getting PanVk, an open source driver for Arm Mali Midgard and Bifrost GPUs, closer to conformancy by implementing one of the core Vulkan features: support for secondary command buffers.

Adding secondary command buffers to PanVk

Bridging the synchronization gap on Linux

June 09, 2022 by Faith Ekstrand  |   Blog

After fighting with the divide between implicit and explicit synchronization with Vulkan on Linux for over seven years, we may finally have some closure. We're not to synchronization nirvana quite yet, but this is an important step along the way.

Bridging the synchronization gap on Linux

Monado's hand tracking: hand-waving our way towards a first attempt

May 31, 2022 by Moses Turner  |   Blog

Optical hand tracking for XR has a bit of a reputation - getting training data, training neural nets, and deploying them in real-time, low-latency environments such as XR is every bit as hard as they say it is.

Monado's hand tracking: hand-waving our way towards a first attempt

Visual-inertial tracking for Monado

April 05, 2022 by Mateo de Mayo  |   Blog

Monado now has initial support for 6DoF ("inside-out") tracking for devices with cameras and an IMU! Three free and open source SLAM/VIO solutions were integrated and adapted to work on XR: Kimera-VIO, ORB-SLAM3, and Basalt.

Visual-inertial tracking for Monado

Spotlight on Meson's full-featured developer environment

March 30, 2022 by Xavier Claessens  |   Blog

When developing an application or a library, it is very common to want to run it without installing it, or to install it into a custom prefix rather than on the system. Here's how Meson can help with that.

Spotlight on Meson's full-featured developer environment

How to write a Vulkan driver in 2022

March 23, 2022 by Faith Ekstrand  |   Blog

An incredible amount has changed in Mesa and in the Vulkan ecosystems since we wrote the first Vulkan driver in Mesa for Intel hardware back in 2015. Not only has Vulkan grown, but Mesa has as well.

How to write a Vulkan driver in 2022

KernelCI now testing Linux Rust code

December 06, 2022 by Adrian Ratiu  |   News & Events

After waiting in the Linux-next integration tree for about 18 months, the basic Rust infrastructure finally landed in the mainline Linux kernel with the imminent release of v6.1.

KernelCI now testing Linux Rust code

Shifting to open gears for the Automotive Linux Summit

December 01, 2022 by Kara Bembridge  |   News & Events

Coming up next week at the Automotive Linux Summit in Yokohama and virtually, Marius Vlad and Daniel Stone will present the latest on the AGL Wayland compositor, and the current state of graphics virtualization upstream.

Shifting to open gears for the Automotive Linux Summit

Seizing knowledge at Capitole du Libre

November 16, 2022 by Kara Bembridge  |   News & Events

Clear your schedules, this weekend's Capitole du Libre is calling your name for all things open source! Gathering in the "Pink City" of Toulouse, participants are welcome to attend with free admission from November 19 to 20 at the INP-ENSEEIHT.

Seizing knowledge at Capitole du Libre

Fully charged for electronica 2022

November 10, 2022 by Kara Bembridge  |   News & Events

Making our grand debut, Collabora will be attending electronica in Munich for the first time! Diving into the world of electronics alongside the leading examples of the industry, we're excited to partake on all fronts.

Fully charged for electronica 2022

Kernel 6.0: Start of a new series and dawn of Rust

October 14, 2022 by Shreeya Patel  |   News & Events

Collabora's contributions include mainlining the HEVC uAPI, adding VirtIO documentation, upstreaming MediaTek smartphones, and adding support for two new Chromebooks and for the Mali-G57 GPU in the Panfrost kernel driver.

Kernel 6.0: Start of a new series and dawn of Rust

HEVC uAPI mainlined

October 06, 2022 by Benjamin Gaignard  |   News & Events

The release of Linux 6.0 earlier this week brought a significant milestone: the H.265/HEVC user-space API was mainlined, the result of more than two years of efforts by our engineering team.

HEVC uAPI mainlined

Introducing NVK

October 04, 2022 by Faith Ekstrand  |   News & Events

Say hello to a brand new, open-source Vulkan driver for NVIDIA hardware in Mesa, written almost entirely from scratch using the new official headers from NVIDIA.

Introducing NVK

Weston 11.0: what's new, what's next

September 29, 2022 by Marius Vlad  |   News & Events

Announced earlier this week, Weston 11.0 brings a number of highlights including optimizations in the DRM-backend, color management infrastructure code and multiple RDP improvements.

Weston 11.0: what's new, what's next

Three conferences for the price of none!

September 29, 2022 by Kara Bembridge  |   News & Events

This year's X. Org Developer's Conference (XDC) is teaming up with WineConf and FOSS XR in Minneapolis at the University of St. Thomas' Opus Hall for a jam-packed three day event.

Three conferences for the price of none!

A team that grows together, builds together

September 27, 2022 by Kara Bembridge  |   News & Events

Adding a variety of expertise from across the globe, the departments of Core, Multimedia, Kernel, XR, People Operations, and DevOps now have more hands on deck. Discover a snapshot of our newest teammates!

A team that grows together, builds together

A busy, open source week in Dublin!

September 12, 2022 by Mark Filion  |   News & Events

Mere weeks after the debut of Open Source Summit Latin America, Dublin continues the collaborative momentum with the 2022 hybrid editions of Linux Plumbers Conference and Open Source Summit Europe!

A busy, open source week in Dublin!

Open source machine learning at IBC 2022

September 06, 2022 by Kara Bembridge  |   News & Events

Showcasing two new software demonstrations featuring machine learning, including backend video compression that runs on Panfrost, and a data quality assurance tool designed to integrate into the annotation pipeline.

Open source machine learning at IBC 2022

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AGL All Member Meeting

July 17-18, Berlin, Germany


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