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Checking JSON files for correctness

January 27, 2016 by Philip Withnall  |   Blog

As JSON becomes used more and more in place of XML, we need a replacement for tools like xmllint to check that JSON documents follow whatever format they are supposed to be following.

Checking JSON files for correctness

Collabora contributions to Linux Kernel 4.4

January 12, 2016 by Gustavo Padovan  |   Blog

Linux Kernel 4.4 was released this week and Collabora engineers helped in the development of the new kernel in a few different areas. A total of 38 patches from 8 Collabora engineers were added, making it the kernel release with the most Collabora developers…

Collabora contributions to Linux Kernel 4.4

Event: ISE 2016

December 17, 2015 by Mark Filion  |   News and Events

Amsterdam, The Netherlands - from 09/02/2016 to 12/02/2016: We'll be exhibiting at ISE 2016, the world's largest tradeshow dedicated to professional AV and electronic systems integration. Collabora booth 8-K321

Event: ISE 2016

Collabora contributions to Linux Kernel 4.3

November 12, 2015 by Gustavo Padovan  |   Blog

Collabora developers contributed a total of 48 patches to kernel 4.3 as part of our current projects.

Collabora contributions to Linux Kernel 4.3

Event: systemd.conf 2015

October 28, 2015 by Mark Filion  |   News and Events

Berlin, Germany - from 05/11/2015 to 07/11/2015: The systemd.conf is the first conference devoted to the systemd project. It aims to bring developers, distribution packagers and devops professionals together to present, discuss, and work on that topics that will shape the future of the systemd project.

Event: systemd.conf 2015

Event: Web Engines Hackfest 2015

October 28, 2015 by Mark Filion  |   News and Events

A Coruña, Spain - from 07/12/2015 to 09/12/2015: The Web Engines Hackfest is a hacking oriented invitation-only event involving members from all parts of the Web Platform community, including those who work on Blink, WebKit, Gecko, and Servo.

Event: Web Engines Hackfest 2015

Event: GENIVI AMM Seoul 2015

October 13, 2015 by Guy Lunardi  |   News and Events

Seoul, South Korea - From 20/10/2015 to 23/10/2015: We will be exhibiting at the GENIVI Showcase during the All Member Meeting.

Event: GENIVI AMM Seoul 2015

GLib now has a datagram interface

October 13, 2015 by Philip Withnall  |   Blog

For those who like their I/O packetised, GLib now has a companion for its GIOStream class — the GDatagramBasedinterface, which we’ve implemented as part of R&D work at Collabora.

GLib now has a datagram interface

Event: GStreamer Conference 2015

September 28, 2015 by Guy Lunardi  |   News and Events

Dublin, Ireland - from 08/10/2015 to 09/10/2015: The GStreamer Conference is a conference for anyone interested in the GStreamer multimedia framework or Open Source and cross-platform multimedia.

Event: GStreamer Conference 2015

Celebrating 30 years. Happy 30th anniversary GNU

September 15, 2015 by Guy Lunardi  |   Blog

Standing on the shoulders of giants. As Collabora turns 10 years this month, we are forced to stop and marvel at the accomplishments of GNU in its 30 years of existence. Happy 30th anniversary GNU

Celebrating 30 years. Happy 30th anniversary GNU

Event: IBC 2015

September 05, 2015 by Guy Lunardi  |   News and Events

Amsterdam, The Netherlands - from 10/09/2015 to 15/09/2015: we are thrilled to be joining ARM to demonstrate our latest technology showcases together at their booth at IBC 2015. Booth Hall 4.C61

Event: IBC 2015

Collabora contributions to Linux Kernel 4.2

August 25, 2015 by Gustavo Padovan  |   Blog Collabora contributions

Collabora contributions to Linux Kernel 4.2

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