Robert Foss
April 27, 2017
Reading time:
Getting Android up and running on the iMX6 platform using an open source graphics stack has been impossible up until recently, but now you can. Here's a guide through the steps.
Since the hardware very much matters this is going to be divided into a few parts, the common steps and the hardware specific ones.
This post is a bit of a living document and will be changed over time, and if you have any questions about it, please reach out through email (robert.foss at or irc (tomeu or robertfoss on #dri-devel on freenode).
mkdir /opt/android repo init -u -b android-7.1.1_r28 cd /opt/android/.repo git clone local_manifests -b android-etnaviv repo sync -j10 mkdir /opt/imx6_android cp /opt/imx6_android git clone -b imx_rdu2_v4.11-rc3 # The mkimage tool is used even if you're not # using u-boot it as a bootloader sudo apt install u-boot-tools # Fetch Kconfig, bootloaders and some scripts git clone . # This will destroy all data on /dev/mmcblk0 and # create boot/system/cache/data ext4 partitions ./ /dev/mmcblk0 # Build android, the kernel, and flash it onto an SD-card ./
nano uboot_android_boot.scr # Uncomment the correct dtb file for your platform setenv fdt_file imx6q-sabresd.dtb #setenv fdt_file imx6qp-sabresd.dtb # Run build script again, to make sure boot.scr # is created and moved to the SD-card ./
The SD-card can now be put into the middlemost slot and the device can be restarted.
# Depending if you have a >=13" version of the RDU2 # use the imx6qp, if <13" then use the imx6q IMX6_TYPE=imx6q IMX6_TYPE=imx6qp BAREBOX="zodiac/barebox-zii-${IMX6_TYPE}-rdu2.img" # Flash bootloader to SD-card dd if=${BAREBOX} of=/dev/mmcblk0 bs=1k sync # Put SD-card in the middle-most slot on the RDU2 # Install lrzsz, since it is used for a ymodem upload sudo apt install lrzsz # Connect to serial device /dev/ttyUSB2 and # /dev/ttyUSB3 with minicom # The numbering assumes the RDU2 is the only serial # serial device connected sudo minicom -s +------------------------------------------+ | A - Serial Device : /dev/ttyUSB3 | B - Lockfile Location : /var/lock | C - Callin Program : | D - Callout Program : | E - Bps/Par/Bits : 115200 8N1 | F - Hardware Flow Control : No | G - Software Flow Control : No | | Change which setting? +------------------------------------------+ # Connect to Quark console on /dev/ttyUSB3 # Set boot SD-card as boot source #HostBoot s 0 reset # Restart device, connect to barebox loaded just loaded # from the SD-card on /dev/ttyUSB2 pic_setwdt 0 60 loady # Using the minicom quickly initiate a ymodem file # of the same barebox image you wrote to the SD-card # Be quick, the upload will timeout after a few seconds # Write the bootloader to SPI NOR erase /dev/m25p0.barebox # Depending on your RDU2 type flash one of the following cp barebox-zii-imx6q-rdu2.img /dev/m25p0.barebox # Or cp barebox-zii-imx6qp-rdu2.img /dev/m25p0.barebox # Connect to the Quark console on /dev/ttyUSB3 again # Set SPI NOR as the boot source #HostBoot s 2 reset # Connect to the barebox console on /dev/ttyUSB2 again # Edit configuration to automatically boot from mmc: sedit /env/config export global.boot.default=/env/boot/mmc export global.bootm.image=/mnt/mmc1.0/android_zImage export global.bootm.initrd=/mnt/mmc1.0/android_ramdisk.img.gz export global.bootm.oftree=/mnt/mmc1.0/imx6qp-zii-rdu2.dtb export global.linux.bootargs.base="console=ttymxc0,115200 console=tty0 rw rootwait ip=dhcp buildvariant=userdebug debug ignore_loglevel root=/dev/mmcblk0p2 rootfstype=ext4 rootwait init=/init printk.devkmsg=on verbose enforcing=0 androidboot.selinux=permissive drm.debug=0x00" sedit /env/boot/mmc #!/bin/sh detect mmc1 mkdir -p /mnt/mmc1.0 automount -d /mnt/mmc1.0 'mount /dev/mmc1.0 /mnt/mmc1.0' bootm pic_setwdt 0 60 # Disable watchdog exit
The SD-card created in the common steps can now be put into the middlemost slot and the device can be restarted.
This work is built on efforts by a lot people:
This post has been a part of work undertaken by my employer Collabora.
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