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Collabora, not just Earth Day. Every day.

Kara Bembridge avatar

Kara Bembridge
April 22, 2024

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The world of Open Source prides itself on its collective and collaborative nature. A plethora of tools and projects are available for anyone to use; their very existence owing to the community's dedication. With Collabora's steadfast pledge to Open Source, it is only natural that we also contribute to our collective environment - Planet Earth.

We embarked on this quest when we joined 1% for the Planet near the end of 2022. Their mission to take action for future generations through environmental giving aligned with our goal of advancing humanity. Being part of the 1% for the Planet network requires committing 1% of Collabora's annual gross revenue directly to environmental organizations. This undertaking is part of our efforts for social responsibility. Through 1% for the Planet's expansive network, we've been able to support a wide range of causes across the globe.

In honor of Earth Day, we'd like to highlight the environmental partners we've helped fuel for a more sustainable future:

1% for the Planet Earth Day

Off the shores of the Algarve Coast in Portugal, SOMAR is defending the waterways for the betterment of marine life. Their recent study on sonic exploration in the Pedra do Valado area now protects this area from boating so that marine life may flourish peacefully. They provide educational workshops to stress the importance of mitigating sound pollution within the ocean to reduce our impact on underwater ecosystems.

On the same theme of aquatics, Gravity Water ensures that children have access to clean drinking water in Vietnam and Nepal. They use rainwater harvesting and water treatment technology for schools that otherwise would be unable to provide clean water for their students.

Helping to strengthen the Earth's lungs in Southeast Brazil is Instituto Terra. Planting over 31 million trees in the Rio Doce Basin is a testament to the wonder that can happen through restoration. Their work has brought back countless wildlife to the area, and their production of native seedlings has enabled them to work with more than 290 different species from the Atlantic Forest.

Connecting tech conservations worldwide, WILDLABS' network unites over 8,600 conservation tech users to collaborate and learn from one another. Through their platform and programming, they identify the community's pressing needs and create cross-sector partnerships to help facilitate innovative solutions. By uniting this wide and diverse network of experts with every type of technology imaginable, they are able to study and protect a huge range of species and environments on every continent.

Tackling the unpleasant side effect of tech consumerism is The Restart Project. Their mission is to give everyone the knowledge to repair their own electronics to extend their lifecycle. They coordinate repair events within communities so that anyone may learn and have the confidence to repair what they already have. Through their awareness, this helps lessen the technological waste overflowing landfills and reduce the impact of the current throwaway economy.

Another proponent of reducing waste is Architecture Without Borders Quebec. Through their circular economy program, they reclaim materials from renovated or deconstructed structures. In turn, they work with communities to build their capacities through the involvement of different actors in the architectural field. They have helped communities in Quebec and abroad construct dwellings for those who have been affected by the climate crisis.

Ensuring that there are plenty of green spaces and vegetation in one of our headquarters cities of Montreal is Sentier Urbain. Their actions contribute simultaneously and concretely to the eco-responsible development of the individual, environmental awareness, the beautification of living environments, and the social affiliation of individuals.

These causes are only the tip of the melting iceberg, but we have to start somewhere. Our incredible environmental partners have made strides in bettering our planet and continue to do so every day. Being part of the 1% for the Planet network is the action we take to secure our future for both people and our planet.

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