Mark Filion
October 25, 2019
Reading time:
Next week, Collabora will be sponsoring, exhibiting & speaking at Embedded Linux Confererence Europe in Lyon, France. Now in its 14th year, ELCE, which is co-located with the Open Source Summit Europe, is the premier vendor-neutral technical conference for companies and developers using embedded Linux. If you are planning on attending either conference, please make sure to come say hello and see what our team has been working on!
This year, we'll be featuring not one but two software demonstrations at our booth! Our first demo puts the spotlight on Panfrost, the Open Source driver for Arm Mali GPUs, running on the versatile ROCK Pi 4 (RK3399 SoC) with Wayland. Come see how Panfrost has turned this SoC into a very attractive platform to try out Wayland on ARM devices while putting your SuperTuxKart skills to the test! Throughout the conference, we'll be keeping track of scores, and the end of each day, the top 8 players on the scoreboard will receive a Libre Computer "La Frite” board (AML-S805X-AC), with 8 GB eMMC module & aluminium frame case!
Open Source meets augmented reality in our second demo, which centers around custom development work on the Magic Leap One augmented reality headset using GStreamer! This is your chance to experience this lightweight, wearable computer that seamlessly blends the digital and physical worlds, allowing digital content to coexist with real world objects around you.
In addition, Collaborans will be speaking on multiple occasions over the course of the conference, on topics including tracing resource-constrained embedded systems using eBPF, Open Source graphics 101, and creating an Open Source project in a proprietary industry. Read below for more details on each of their talks.
Even though eBPF/IOVisor provide safe and powerful tools to trace both systems in development and in production in general, one encounters very significant problems when trying to run these tools on embedded devices which are often resource-constrained. This talk gives a brief introduction to the eBPF awesomeness and the mainstream way of tracing using the eBPF Compiller Collection, which works so well for data centers, then examines the hurdles which must be overcome to get it working on embedded devices (portability problems, kernel headers and build issues, size constraints and so on). In recent times, at least four separate projects have been started, each with a different approach, with the goal of bringing the eBPF awesomeness to embedded: What trade-offs are each of them making? In what stages of completion are they? Where are more efforts needed? To find out all these and more please watch the presentation.
GPUs are complex beasts, especially when you come from the CPU world and don't know about all those GPU-specific concepts, or what massively parallel and deeply pipelined computing implies. Throughout this talk, we will try to give a rough overview of some basic concepts (GPU pipeline stages, shaders, etc.), how they are exposed to users (APIs like OpenGL, Vulkan or DirectX) and provide some extra details about the standard open-source stack providing those APIs (Mesa).
Creating a new project is doubly challenging when the target industry has proprietary software as the norm. Taking code written as closed source and building a community around it is never easy, but it's even more difficult when none of the developers have participated in Open Source projects before. Such is the story of SRT (Secure Reliable Transport), an Open Source protocol that has taken the TV contribution world by storm. This is the story of how we helped Haivision take its internally built SRT protocol and helped make it the main player in low latency transport of video.
I'll explain the kind of things that we had to take care of when creating a new Open Source project. Starting with an evaluation of existing software, are we pointlessly re-inventing the wheel? Followed by a plan for a community, with an appropriate choice of license, a governance model, a communication and collaboration infrastructure. And last, but not least, a solid commitment from the main sponsor.
Please visit the Embedded Linux Conference Europe 2019 website for the full schedule. See you in Lyon!
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