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Fostering connections at Open Source Summit Latin America

Kara Bembridge avatar

Kara Bembridge
August 16, 2022

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A magnet for open source supporters, the very first edition of Open Source Summit Latin America is opening its virtual doors to a plethora of speakers and attendees alike. Collabora is proudly sponsoring this wide offering of events that will captivate a diverse audience from developers to community leaders. This new annual conference strives to further hold a space for development and growth for all things open source in Latin America.

This jam-packed two day event takes place entirely online from August 23 to 24 and boasts a heavy contribution from the Collabora crew. Participants will have the opportunity to catch 5 different talks from one of our teammates that range from Meson build system applications to remote team connection. Four of the talks will be in English and one talk given by Daniel Almeida will be in Portuguese. This multilingual gathering is sure to capture the accessible nature of open source.

Collabora @ Open Source Summit Latin America

A Guardian Angel of File Systems: Monitoring for File System Errors in Data Centers
Presented by Gabriel Krisman Bertazi [in English] - Tuesday, August 23 – 3:00 pm UTC

A fact of life, one that almost every computer user has to face at some point, is that file systems fail. Whether it is due a faulty hardware, a sudden power loss, or a kernel bug, users don't enjoy losing their data for no reason. When it happens on a user-facing machine, the problem is usually found and troubleshooted by inspecting the kernel log. The user, after some grumpiness, can then start a recovery process, like fsck, replace the disk, or restore from backup. But this kind of simple monitoring simply doesn't scale to a data-center. In this talk, I will present a new kernel mechanism for daemons to monitor file system health through a series of push notification events from the kernel, which are triggered as soon as a volume corruption is found by the file system code.

WebRTC: Connecting Embedded, Mobile and Desktop with the Lowest Latencies
Presented by Olivier Crête [in English] - Tuesday, August 23 – 5:30 pm UTC

WebRTC is a group of open standards implemented by the major browsers for low-latency p2p communications. It was originally designed to enable video calls directly from browsers, but has been designed to be flexible so that it can be used to enable a variety of use-cases. In particular, it can enable low latency video transfer from embedded and IoT devices. WebRTC also has a data channel system low latency messages to be exchanged between the device and browser based apps. In this presentation, we will give a brief introduction to WebRTC and its constituent protocols.

Tutorial: Honey, I Shrunk GStreamer: Using Meson to Slim Down Dependencies 
Presented by Xavier Claessens [in English] - Tuesday, August 23 – 5:30 pm UTC

GStreamer, a popular open source multimedia framework, is often used on embedded devices with limited storage capacity. In this talk, we'll discover how to use the Meson build system to shrink its binary size as much as possible, so it fits on small embedded devices like a smart watch. This presentation will give a basic introduction to Meson, GStreamer's build system, and look at how GStreamer's plugin system works. We'll also discuss how to make a fully static build of GStreamer and its dependencies, and give some extra tricks to save even more bytes. 

It All Starts With a Smile: How To Foster a Sense of Belonging in Remote Teams
Presented by Eleni Katsoula [in English] - Tuesday, August 23 – 6:20 pm UTC

In today's job market, especially in software engineering, things have become more fluid than ever. Professionals switch from one company to the next chasing the bigger paycheck or looking for something that is missing. I have been through that path, and my journey led me to discover that having a job with a sense of purpose, community and mutual understanding has been key to a more fullfiled, balanced and happy life. In my talk, I would like to give insights on how we actively incorporate the open source culture to our business and how we embrace and nurture this spirit at Collabora.

Stateless Video Decoder Virtualization through Virtio Video and VA-API
Presented by Daniel Almeida [in Portuguese] - Wednesday, August 24 – 5:15 pm UTC

GStreamer, a popular open source multimedia framework, is often used on embedded devices with limited storage capacity. In this talk, we'll discover how to use the Meson build system to shrink its binary size as much as possible, so it fits on small embedded devices like a smart watch. This presentation will give a basic introduction to Meson, GStreamer's build system, and look at how GStreamer's plugin system works. We'll also discuss how to make a fully static build of GStreamer and its dependencies, and give some extra tricks to save even more bytes.

Be sure to pop by our virtual booth to say hello! Our presenters are always up for a chat.

If you are planning on attending, be sure to pop by our virtual booth in the sponsor showcase, or in the online Q&A during each presentation.

See you there!


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