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Integrating kernels and minds at the Linux Foundation Member Summit

Kara Bembridge avatar

Kara Bembridge
November 15, 2024

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Always ready for an opportunity to network, Collabora will be attending the Linux Foundation Member Summit in Napa, California next week. Our very own Gustavo Padovan will be present to connect with the community for this 3-day event, which will take place from November 19 to 21 at the Silverado Resort.

At the summit, he will be giving a talk about the scale of problems we still have when it comes to integrating and maintaining products based on the upstream mainline Linux kernel.

For many companies that task is so daunting that they don't even try. That situation has to change. It is this challenge that Gustavo will be addressing at the Linux Foundation Members' Summit. Through KernelCI, he and others are leading the movement to improve the Linux Ecosystem Integration.

Improvement here means, listening to the needs of upstream maintainers and product creators to develop better integration processes and tooling for everyone. Of course, a big part of that is Testing and Continuous integration, the main objective of KernelCI.

Collabora @ Linux Foundation Member Summit 2024

If you will be at LF Members Summit or are based in the Bay area and want to chat about this, please reach out! We would be happy to meet you in person.


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