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Linaro Connect meets Panfrost

Mark Filion avatar

Mark Filion
March 29, 2019

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Open Source in Bangkok

Next week, Collaborans will be in Bangkok, Thailand, to participate in the 25th edition of Linaro Connect, a bi-annual, week-long gathering of the world's leading open source engineers working on Arm. Tomeu Vizoso and Gustavo Padovan will be in attendance to present Panfrost, the Open Source driver for Arm Mali GPUs.

On Thursday, April 4, Tomeu will be taking part in the Open Source GPU Drivers BoF to discuss the significant progress around Panfrost. On the following day, April 5, both Tomeu and Gustavo will be taking part in Demo Friday to showcase Panfrost in action, running on a Rockchip RK3288 platform (Chromebook). You can find the details below for both events.

With a Gallium driver merged in Mesa, and a Linux kernel DRM driver going upstream, Panfrost is now available for Midgard (T-XXX) & Bifrost (G-XX) architectures, with support for EGL and OpenGL ES, as well as Wayland and media playback.

While Panfrost is actively being developed, it is still very much a work in progress. If you would like to participate in the effort, join the conversation on the Panfrost IRC channel to see how can you help.

If you plan on attending Linaro Connect, please comme say hello!


  • "Open source GPU Drivers BoF" – Tomeu Vizoso & Rob Herring – Thursday, April 4, 11:00 ICT.

    BoF to discuss current state of open source GPU drivers on ARM and plans for the future.

  • "Demo Friday" – Tomeu Vizoso & Gustavo Padovan – Friday, April 5, 12:00 ICT.

    Panfrost, the Open Source driver for Arm Mali GPUs.


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