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Linux Kernel 5.0

Gaël Portay avatar

Gaël Portay
March 06, 2019

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The first major release of Linux for the year 2019 was made available earlier this week, and with it came a new version number: 5.0. However, as Linus pointed out, while this version change might seem significant, Linux doesn't do feature-based releases, and "it doesn't mean anything more than that the 4.x numbers started getting big enough that I ran out of fingers and toes".

As usual, Collabora was active in this latest release, with 9 developers authoring a total of 45 patches, 47 Signed-off-by tags and 9 Reviewed-by tags. Here's a look at some of the highlights:


  • Emil Velikov added a render node for the VGEM DRM driver, which fulfills the original intent of the driver of being a virtual render node. Previously we were using it as primary/master node for the render capability. This change clarify the role for users.
  • Robert Foss and Gustavo Padovan enabled Explicit Synchronization of dma-bufs for virtio_gpu, the virtual display/gpu driver used by qemu for example.


  • Ezequiel Gracia has enabled hardware accelerated JPEG encoding on Rockchip SoCs (rk3288 and rk3399).
  • Helen Koike continued improving the vimc driver.

ChromeOS EC

  • Enric Balletbo i Serra, long time ChromeOS EC developer, was appointed co-maintainer of the Chrome platform support. This accompanies a change in the Chrome development model towards an upstream-first policy.

Here and there...

  • As a mainainter of the Power Supply sub-system, Sebastian Reichel removed the use of deprecated POWER_SUPPLY_TYPE_USB_* flag in gpio-charger. He added support for custom sysfs attributes and cleanup existing drivers from a race condition that result in fixing attributes that are not properly registered to udev.

Here is the complete list of the contributions made by Collabora:

Emil Velikov (4):

Enric Balletbo i Serra (7):

Ezequiel Garcia (11):

Gabriel Krisman Bertazi (1):

Gustavo Padovan (1):

Helen Koike (2):

Robert Foss (3):

Sebastian Reichel (16):


Emil Velikov (4):

Robert Foss (2):

Sebastian Reichel (3):


Ezequiel Garcia (2):

Helen Koike (1):

Pekka Paalanen (1):

Sebastian Reichel (1):


Boris Brezillon (2):

Emil Velikov (2):

Enric Balletbo i Serra (2):

Ezequiel Garcia (1):

Helen Koike (1):

Sebastian Reichel (39):


Enric Balletbo i Serra (1):


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