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Meet the newest Collaborans!

Erica Ryoo avatar

Erica Ryoo
January 16, 2020

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What better way to start the new year than by highlighting the newest members of our engineering and administrative teams who joined in Q4 2019!

Based in Italy, Portugal, the United Kingdom and Greece, these newest Collaborans join our worldwide team of highly skilled engineers, developers and managers who all share a common passion for technology and Open Source.

Please join us in welcoming Antonio, Afonso, Narciso and Eleni!

Antonio Caggiano

Antonio Caggiano joined the graphics team as a Consultant Software Engineer and he is based in Italy. As a Linux Graphics programmer, he brings with him his expertise in mobile GPUs, Vulkan and C/C++.

Afonso Cerejeira

Afonso Cerejeira joined our Tools Team as a Consultant Associated Software Engineer. Currently finishing his Masters Degree in Machine Learning for Cyber-Physical Systems at Universidade do Minho, Portugal, Afonso is eager to fully embrace the open-source community.


Narciso Figueroa is one of our new Engineering People Leads. He has a particular interest in team development, organisational culture, personal development and leadership frameworks, and has gathered experience by working in different industries in the private and public sectors over the past 15 years. He is very excited to join the team!

Eleni Katsoula

Eleni Katsoula, who is based in Greece, is also one of our new Engineering People Leads. She has an international background in Operations and her specialisation lies in technology management and cross-cultural collaboration and communication. She is primarily experienced in business process optimisation, coaching, financial and strategic planning, client liaison and project management. She is passionate about working with people and already enjoying her first months at Collabora!

From tailoring the latest Open Source technologies to your projects, to integrating Open Source methodologies into your organization or contributing your code back to the community, you can count on Collabora to help you navigate the ever-evolving world of Open Source. Contact us today to see how we can work together.


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