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Monado's "Mercury" hand tracking now ready for use!

Moses Turner avatar

Moses Turner
February 24, 2023

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Reading time: 5 minutes

In our previous blog post, I teased our new optical hand tracking pipeline, codenamed Mercury. Work on this tracking method began around January 2022.

Now, after a little over a year of development, it's finally ready for the public to use!

Mercury currently works on Valve Index, Windows Mixed Reality headsets (Reverb G2 v2 shown below), Oculus Rift S (early support), and Luxonis cameras (video shows a OAK-D Pro W Dev mounted on a North Star). It estimates hand pose accurately, supports limited hand-over-hand interactions, tracks fast hand movements, and is useable for drawing, typing and UI interaction.

Usage documentation is here if you want to run it in Monado. Expect in the coming few weeks some improvements to hand tracked-state stability, reductions to background jitter, a SteamVR driver so you can use it on Windows, and a much more detailed blog post showcasing the work we did to get here!


Comments (10)

  1. Roman:
    Mar 01, 2023 at 05:33 AM

    This is very exciting! I hope SteamVR driver is coming that would let it be used in the similar way as UltraLeap does it, only it has so much better potential, as no extra hardware is needed, and HMDs cameras are wide-angle and perfectly aligned. Whe SteamVR driver is ready, would it work with existing WMR OpenXR runtime, or would it replace it? Or would it only work with StemVR OpenXR runtime (which is inferior for Reverb G2 and other native WMR HMDs)?

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  2. RalfMarco:
    Mar 01, 2023 at 10:17 AM

    This is fantastic!

    A openXR toolkit driver would be amazing. For MSFS Community and VR Pilots. This Handtracking in an Airplane - Game changer! Many fly with the reverb G2.

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  3. hyperdrive:
    Mar 04, 2023 at 11:03 PM

    will it work while you are holding ANY type of controllers, so you can have access to thumb sticks and buttons while still having full finger tracking? otherwise, it's kind of useless because I shouldn't have to give up certain controller necessities for a small but wanted/fun gimic that most games don't even support. I say this because the quest 2 has this issue, and time and time again I see people on the quest 2 try to do simple things like walking and jumping while using the full finger tracking and I see that as a big problem and should have never happened in the first place.

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  4. Igor2402:
    May 25, 2023 at 05:10 PM

    Can you make a tutorial...
    How can i use this in Rift S, unfortunately i am layman in this things...
    But i really wanna use this feature. Please, make a Tutorial Video for windows 10

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  5. Matt Geders:
    Sep 07, 2023 at 09:05 PM

    Any update on the development for Windows 10/SteamVR?

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    1. Jakob Bornecrantz:
      Sep 08, 2023 at 02:45 PM

      You might be able to compile it yourself, changes will probably needed. But there are no ready made installable solution, we have no immediate plans to make one. Hopefully somebody in the community can step up and do that.

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      1. VinshieldViper:
        Feb 27, 2025 at 03:24 PM

        Hey there! It's been a little while; do you know of any updates anybody may have figured out for a Win 10/Steam VR aspect?

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        1. Frederic Plourde:
          Mar 05, 2025 at 02:58 PM

          Thanks for your interest in Mercury hand tracking! Right now, there’s still no official installable version for Windows 10/SteamVR, and getting it running would likely require some modifications when compiling from source. While we don’t have immediate plans to package a ready-to-go solution, we’d love to see community contributions in this area!

          At Collabora, we’re constantly pushing and maintaining a lot of exciting open-source projects in parallel. Sometimes, this means that certain projects—especially when they reach a solid proof-of-concept stage—are left open for the community to pick up and enhance, particularly on the installation and packaging side. Mercury is one of those, and we'd be happy to provide some guidance if someone wants to take it further!

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