Kara Bembridge
September 19, 2023
Reading time:
The world-renowned culinary scene in The City of Light will be getting a pack of different types of chefs next week for Kernel Recipes and Embedded Recipes. Kernel Recipes kicks off this digital week on September 25 and is proudly celebrating its tenth edition! Held at Biermans Lapotre Foundation in Paris, this event will last three days with attendees sharing the latest developments on the Linux kernel and will have the chance to meet some of its main contributors and maintainers.
After the kernel cooks have wrapped up, it will be Embedded Recipes turn to showcase their open source techniques in the embedded world from September 28 to 29. This conference is also celebrating a milestone, its fifth edition! Attendees interested in both events will easily find their way as both will take place at Biermans Lapotre Foundation.
Sharing his secret ingredient with kernel and embedded chefs alike, Collabora's Sebastian Reichel will be presenting at both events! Learn how the RK3588 got its current upstream status at Kernel Recipes, then stick around for Embedded Recipes to see how Sebastian took a thermal imager and ran it on a mainline-based kernel.
Collabora @ Kernel Recipes
Getting the RK3588 SoC supported upstream
Presented by Sebastian Reichel - Wednesday, September 27 - 14:00 UTC
Collabora @ Embedded Recipes
Running FOSS on a Thermal Camera
Presented by Sebastian Reichel - Thursday, September 28 - 8:00 UTC
If you can't make it in person, be sure to catch the live stream to stay up to date!
À bientôt!
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