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Seizing knowledge at Capitole du Libre

Kara Bembridge avatar

Kara Bembridge
November 16, 2022

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Clear your schedules, this weekend's Capitole du Libre is calling your name for all things open source! Gathering in the "Pink City" of Toulouse, participants are welcome to attend with free admission from November 19 to 20 at the INP-ENSEEIHT.

As sponsors, we are proud to support an event that truly desires to engage all levels of open source knowledge; there are even workshops for children to dabble in! There will be workshops, talks, food trucks, and a LAN Party for open source video game fans. The activities offered will be in French, including all of the talks.

One talk that deserves a spot in your calendar is Arnaud Ferraris' look at the role Linux has recently been playing in smartphones and what might be seen in 2023. You can catch his presentation on Saturday, November 19, at 15:30 UTC.

This event sets out to broaden the understanding of open source and is one you won't want to miss!

À bientôt!


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