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Showcasing the STM32MP1 at Embedded World

Mark Filion avatar

Mark Filion
March 13, 2023

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As a recent new member of STMicroelectronics' Partner Program, we're excited to be showcasing the STM32MP1 at Embedded World this week, our first demo featuring the STM32 platform.

STMicroelectronics, a global semiconductor leader serving customers across the spectrum of electronics applications created the ST Partner Program to speed customer development efforts by identifying and highlighting to them companies with complementary products and services. Moreover, the program’s certification process assures that all partners are periodically vetted for quality and competence.

Entering this program alongside over 300 Authorized ST Partners, Collabora is uniquely suited to help customers achieve their goals with STM32 MPUs. As the partner involved at the intersection of capture interfaces, graphics drivers and display controllers together with ST, Collabora offers unmatched multimedia expertise.

At Embedded World 2023 in Nuremberg, we'll be showcasing GStreamer-based, low-latency RTP video streaming on STMicroeclectronics' STM32MP1 platform using VP8 encoding and PipeWire camera sharing for stream delivery, and zero-copy GPU transfer using Weston, Wayland's reference compositor.

For any embedded design that requires capturing, transcoding, playing, or streaming media content, Collabora can help you achieve your goals with the STM32 MPUs. Come say hello, booth B4-404, and see how we can help!


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