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Your partner in adopting SRT

Mark Filion avatar

Mark Filion
November 28, 2017

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We're delighted to be one of the 33 new members of the Secure Reliable Transport (SRT) Alliance, a group dedicated to accelerating interoperability of video streaming solutions and fostering collaboration with industry leaders to achieve lower latency internet video transport.

As the leading Open Source specialists, Collabora assisted Haivision in creating the Open Source community around the groundbreaking low latency video streaming protocol and we've already integrated it into key Open Source multimedia projects such as VLC and GStreamer!

As the alternative to proprietary and expensive transmission protocols backed by an Alliance of now more than 60 members, SRT is undoubtedly well on its way to becoming a standard for low latency, secure, reliable streaming over the internet.

Whether it is hardware integration and optimization, embedded encoding, cloud transcoding, content delivery, or 360-degree video, we have the expertise you require to integrate the latest Open Source technologies and the newest multimedia standards.

Read today's press release by the SRT Alliance to learn more about the initiative, or contact us to see how we can help you integrate and deploy SRT for low latency video streaming!


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