
Flexible and Agile

Collabora's aim is to establish the right strategy for controlling, tracking, and monitoring all aspects of your projects involving Open Source software.

At Collabora, project planning begins with gaining a thorough understanding of your requirements. These will define the software to be developed. We then create the project plan which described all tasks; identify the scope, estimate the work involved, and establish a schedule to ensure that the end product or service is delivered on time, within budget, and is of the highest quality.

Efficient planning requires a thorough understanding of software risks. Collabora helps our customers understand and manage risks on a daily basis. For example, how will changes in requirements, development technologies, and target hardware platform affect the project What methods and tools should be used, particularly around build and infrastructure (B&I)? We will help you find the best response.

From Big Bang Adoption to Rapid Application Development

Collabora's project planning assistance will integrate with your software development lifecycle. We have experience guiding customers through planning Open Source adoption in Big Bang, Waterfall, Cyclical (Spiral), Prototyping, Agile (Scrum), and Rapid Application Development.

Whether you are getting ready for a new product development or upgrading a current one, adopting Open Source can seem challenging. Collabora will save you time and money by helping you leverage existing Open Source software so that you can focus on the truly differentiated value of your product.

Open sourcing an internal project

Does your organization have software potentially useful to the world? Not sure how to go about Open Sourcing it and making it available? Do you have concerns around intellectual property divestment, source code licensing and warranties?

Through careful planning, Collabora has helped many customers with these concerns and enabled them to take their first steps towards Open Source contribution.

Case Study

Cost effectiveness with community minded development

Cost effectiveness with community minded development

Teaming up with GE Healthcare and its CARESCAPE patient monitors for Open Source success.

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Contact us

From design and implementation, to QA and maintenance, we can support you from start to finish and beyond. Contact us today to see how we can help.

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